All Modules 33-Light and Shadows - Module 3 | Page 11

11 Light and shadows it is a significant topic that serves as a great provoker for children’s curiosity, inquiry, exploration, investigation, observation, description and wonders. By preschool age, children are ardently observing the world around them and trying to make sense of how things work. We encourage you to make the most of this natural curiosity simply starting by trying to find as many sources of light as possible and look for interesting shadows! Why Is It Important for VESS Undoubtedly, this monthly topic is extremely important for VESS as it uncovers the complexity of light and shadows in a meaningful way for young children. It gives the opportunity to children to explore and investigate sources of lights and experiment with shadows. It offers hands on activities that will help students to actively participate and discover knowledge. Light and shadows goes beyond the obvious, and it connects with the world around us. Hence, it is worth highlighting the significance of the topic on helping children to give sense and meaning to their surroundings. Moreover, with this monthly topic students will have the opportunity to develop a variety of skills in science, literacy, math and all the other areas. Invite students to share their wonders, questions and thoughts and allow them to give new routes to the development of the topic and validate their ideas. Lights and shadows along with the whole VESS curriculum offers the opportunity to maintain the development of the habits of minds that will in result, spawn dispositions for today and for the future.