All Modules 32-Light and Shadows - Module 2 | Page 9

9 • • babbling and squealing • Makes own sounds in response when talked by familiar adults • Creates personal words as they begin to develop language Copies familiar expressions • • • word Use books and stories with interesting illustrations and images Plan to talk through and comment on some activities to highlight specific vocabulary or language structures Display pictures and photographs showing familiar events, objects and activities and talk about them with children Provide picture books, books with flaps or hidden words, books with accompanying CDs and story sacks Distinguishes between the different marks they make • • • • • Numeracy (Numbers, • Shapes, Provide a small • group of the same Use words number in • speaking and listening activities Encourage students to predict possible endings to stories and events Give time for children to decide what they want to say and how they will say it Give time for children to initiate discussions from shared experiences and have conversations with each other Encourage students to add to their first-hand experience of the word through the use of books, other texts and information and communication technology Include opportunities for writing during role-play and other activities Give children a reason to count