All Modules 32-Light and Shadows - Module 2 | Page 4

4 Light and Shadows General Goals and Objectives: With this monthly topic our general goal is to develop children’s natural curiosity and inquiry. Through light and shadows students will have the opportunity not only to gain a better understanding on how the world around us works but also to appreciate the awe and wonder of the things around them. It is true that everything we see is visible because of light; hence our key objective is to help students look with their eyes, minds and imaginations and give meaning in their surroundings. The idea is to begin with a demonstration of the many ways that we see light everywhere and let students explore natural and artificial light. Deepen our understanding on light we will introduce and investigate shadows and concepts such as reflection and refraction, transparency, water and electricity. The main purpose of this themed unit is to provide students with a foundational understanding of light by enabling them to explore how light interacts with different objects and to discover links among light and shadow. Students will also have the opportunity to observe and discuss how light travels and observe and sort objects that are transparent and opaque. Ensure the active involvement of the students through engaging science projects and hands-on activities. As we mentioned on Module 3 Light and Shadows is a topic that is directly connected with science and therefore exploration and discovery. Furthermore, it is a topic that promotes the development of multiple skills in literature, numeracy, art and all the other areas. Always remember that children are born ready, able and eager to learn. They actively reach out to interact with other people, and in the world around them. Stay focus on your specific goals and objectives for each lesson you will plan but also take each and every opportunity that will certainly come spontaneously. By providing positive relationships and enabling environments you will therefore support students’ learning and development.