All Modules 32-Light and Shadows - Module 2 | Page 11

11 families and other people • • Thinking • • • Making links and noticing patterns in their experiences Use the language of thinking and learning: think, know, remember, forget, idea, makes sense, find out, figure out, trying to do Model being a thinker, showing that you don’t always know, you are curious and sometimes puzzled, and you can think and find out. • • • • pets or favourite people and places Support children’s understanding difference and of empathy Provide books and resources represent children’s diverse backgrounds Use the language of thinking and learning: think, know, remember, forget, idea, makes sense, find out, figure out, trying to do Model being a thinker, showing that you don’t always know, you are curious and sometimes puzzled, and you can think and find out. Support children’s interests Talking aloud helps children to think and control what they do. • • • • • • • • • reflecting diversity Strengthen the positive impressions children have of their own cultures and faiths, and those of others in their community, by sharing and celebrating a range of practices and special events Thinking of ideas Finding ways to solve problems Finding new ways to do things Making connections Making predictions Testing their ideas Developing ideas of grouping, sequences, cause and effect Sustained shared thinking helps children to explore ideas and make connections. Follow children’s lead in conversation, and