All Modules 31-Imagination - Module 4 | Page 5

5 Thinking Bag – Tips for Home 1. Activities for Infants Wheel of Wonder: Use this Thinking Routine to introduce the concept of the scientific method. Through the 4 steps, I sense, I wonder, I explore, I discover invite your young baby for imaginative play. Using baking soda, corn starch and water encourage babies to sense, wonder, explore and discover what they can do with it. Let them create what they want unwrapping their imagination through this magic homemade play dough. Step Inside: This routine asks students to step inside the role of a character or object. Design a place at home for imaginative play. Model the language for your baby by naming things and providing information. For instance, tell your baby “Close your eyes and imagine that you are an airplane!!! I am the airplane, I am white and big and I have two wings! I see the sky and some clouds” The Thinking Routine will help you act out roles and use descriptive language. The imaginative play area should be changed frequently with different props and toys to keep babies stimulated by it.