All Modules 21-I am scientist - Module 3 | Page 19

19 among knowledge, invention, and discovery to creativity. Challenge students by encourage them to develop their own definitions of creativity.  Define the skills and the various types and processes of problem solving. Create a project of a “Wacky Invention”. Encourage students to identify a problem of their daily routine. It can be anything. Children should state the situation and find data. Through simple questions such as: Who is involved? What is involved? What are some examples of the problem? What causes the problem? When it happens? Why does it happen? Use divergent thinking to brainstorm all the known facts. Use convergent thinking to select the most important facts. Once students will review their data they will define their real problem. Brainstorm ideas on what we can create that will help us to solve the problem. Promote collaboration and encourage them to choose the best idea. When students come to a conclusion encourage them to create their invention. You can organize a science fair in the school and each classroom can present their “Wacky Invention”. State the value of logical thought and apply the set of skills related to the development of critical thinking to this problem. Suggestion for Projects and their Corresponding Tools for Thought Infants and Toddlers  See/Think/Wonder: Children are very interested in their bodies. Observing and asking questions about the human body allows this group age to explore such science concepts as diversity, variation and how certain structures have certain functions. Does everyone in my classroom have the same eye, hair and skin color I have? How does my wrist mov