All Modules 18-Design and Technology - Module 3 | Page 21

Thinking Routines: What is Missing Creative Questions • Using real tools such as telephones or computers help students observe and identify how technology evolved through years! Thinking Keys: Form Key: Observe, identify, describe. What is it like? What makes this unique? Change Key: Movement, Adaptation, Sequence, Growth. What is the sequence? How is it changing? Thinking Routine: The Elaboration Game: Observe Describe Elaborate Add Repeat Process • Promote creativity and imagination. “What is Missing” from the sequence? What will come next? How a new telephone will look like? Can we draw it, create it and design it? Once you complete the project encourage students to say a “Headline” for their invention that captures the most important aspect to keep in mind. • Choose the right technology or tool for a task. Choose/Pair/Share.