All Modules 18-Design and Technology - Module 3 | Page 20

it. But for a science project you can use the Wheel of Wonder. Just be imaginative, willing and courageous! • Apply scientific skills, for instance predicting and testing. Thinking Keys: View Point Key: What are the points of view? Interpretation, beliefs, opinion Thinking Routines: Predict/Pair/Share Wheel of Wonder • Apply mathematical skills such as measuring to an appropriate number, drawing and interpreting tables, graphs and charts. • Try to use as much as you can the Concept Maps • Use a range of materials to design and make simple products Thinking Keys: ALL Thinking Routines: What is Missing Headline Wheel of Wonder • Evaluate what is and what is not working well in a product Thinking Keys: Form Key: What is it like? Observe, identify, Describe, categorize. Function Key: How does it work? Change Key: What changes can I make to improve the product? How can I change it into something better?