All Modules 16-Engineers and Architects - Module 4 | Page 6

6 Monthly suggestions for teachers: Monthly personnel meeting: Just like we have suggested in previous modules, this meeting is recommended on a monthly basis with the team of teachers and directors creating a space for professional growth. Through the use of routines for thought and conceptual maps, the teachers will have the chance to share experiences, knowledge, and opinions of what has been worked on during the month. Suggestions of activities for teachers: Invite your team of teachers to film one of their routines with their students and use that video as a self- evaluation tool. Once they have the chance to see themselves, they will be able to reflect upon the strategies used in the routine and that way to be able to recognize the positive aspects to maintain them and the negative ones to correct. (We invite you to use the thought routine “I Stop/ I Keep / I Start”) Monthly suggestions for parents: Volunteer program: This month we suggest inviting the parents to communicate with their children and share their daily lives with them. We also invite them to share with the school if they have any relationship with the professions seen. We suggest some thought routines to work on at home and to strengthen the language for thought while they build better relationships with their children. We suggest that you, as a school, invite the parents to participate with their children in the design and construction of an orchard for the school. This project related to the monthly topic will be promoting the learning of new concepts in a fun way: Design, strategic planning, persistence and execution, review and reflection, plant concepts and their nutritional value, besides math and science concepts. Also, it has as a purpose, the active participation of parents and being a fundamental part of a creative process where different people and actors are involved.