All Modules 15-Engineers and Architects- Module 3 | Page 11

11 3. Engineers and Us - In a way that you recapitulate anecdotes, mention to your students different activities that are carried out in the classroom such as building with blocks, planning activities and projects, use measurement units such as rulers, and others. - Model how you find certain similarities between engineers, architects and people from school - Ask your students: If we want to compare and contrast, what thought routine could we use? - Present the Venn diagram and the intentionality of its use - Let the children document their ideas - Preferably use post-it notes, that they could later on move if they change their opinion regarding what they thought about before Tool for Thought: Venn diagram 4. Tubing and Engineers - Narrate about what they have learned and discovered about engineers and architects - With your students, share that the task of engineers goes beyond building houses and buildings - Revisit the Venn diagram or some previous documentation that you consider convenient