All Modules 11-Animal Kingdom - Module 2 | Page 16

16 Developmental Domain: Ages: 3-5 Years Science: Increase vocabulary Pique their curiosity through mystery science! At this age, they are more aware of their environments and have a basic understanding of how the world works in order to fulfill simple needs and wants. Think about science in terms of offering them a deeper understanding of scientific concept—remember their brains have already made hundreds of billions of synaptic connections. Improve the connections by fine-tuning: go from a vast understanding to a more detailed understanding of prior knowledge and awareness. Are the bones hard or soft? Where have we seen bones in the past? What are they used for? Challenge them: how do we know which creatures existed prior to us? Bring the outdoors inside by providing them microscopes and magnifying glasses to provoke a deeper understanding or a different perspective. I.e., can you see the rings inside of the tree? Can we count them? What do they represent? Use concept maps and Venn diagrams to collect data and compare. History: What is our responsibility today as a part of the animal kingdom? If we are at the top of the food chain, who was in the past? Were we always? How has the food chain evolved? Have fun with this one! At this age, they have a much better understanding of time and how things change over time. Be creative; how have they changed since they were babies? They enjoy making connections to what they consider their world, environment, etc. What an exciting age to explore history! Start with the dinosaurs and move forward to present day creatures when exploring the concepts of time and evolution throughout history. Advance their language development by introducing them to new terms: addition, Use the language of mathematics at this age. subtraction, light, lighter, lighter, etc. Children are better able to comprehend the Instill in them a natural comprehension advanced concepts of weight and measurement. Let language development and more insight into their them explore; give them tape measurers, concrete environments. scales, and rulers to explore the environment Measurement and numeracy: