All Modules 11-Animal Kingdom - Module 2 | Page 13

13 Developmental Domain: Months Science: The 5 senses- explore through taste (I See/I Think/I Wonder) Encourage a sense of wonder! Explore through play and inventiveness. The world is a laboratory, at this age, children begin to understand how they can manipulate the world around them to yield various reactions. Take advantage of this developmental window by encouraging, not limiting. What is the weather like today? What gives rise to various type weather patterns? (I Used to Think/Now I Think) History: How has our place in the classroom evolved from when we first arrived for the day? How has this day evolved from yesterday? Maybe the activity we are working on evolves more and more each day? Use vivid representations of how animals have evolved. How has the frog changed since it was born? Has it has a metamorphosis from a tadpole, for example? Use videos, as time is still foggy at this age. At this stage, children are beginning to comprehend very near present from the past perspective. Teach them our current responsibilities based on their perception of time. Ages: 12-36 Textures: water and sand activities to stimulate cognitive development Planting seeds: what is our responsibility (Thinking Keys) Go on a nature walk or scavenger hunt: entice their curiosity now in order to pave the way for future admiration for this domain. and Use the scales when discussing weight. What makes this side tip? Why on this bar graph is one bar longer than the other? Can we quantify through that representation? How can we measure At this stage, children are the length of the day? really interested in gaining a thorough understanding of weight and measurement through visual representations and trial-anderror. Measurement numeracy: