All Modules 1-Module 1 - Philosophy | Page 50

50 In Edu1st, we understand that the forming of habits of mind starts from a very early age. Through games, thinking routines, and tools that use strategies that promote thinking and encourage metacognition, children become aware of the thinking processes that are most appropriate for different situations, and then internalize them to apply them naturally to each situation in their daily lives and future. The evidence seen in several years of practice with children 1 year and older has not only shown that children have powerful metacognitive abilities from a very early age, but that they also have the ability to appreciate the thoughts and needs of others, and make wise decisions from childhood. Veronica, age 3, got in her car after being picked up from school and told her mother that she wanted to go to the park. Her Mother, who was driving the car said “no” because she had an important meeting. Veronica then insisted but her mother again confirmed that it just was not possible. In this situation, Veronica had several options, she might have decided to cry and throw a tantrum typical of her age, getting herself and her mom in a bad mood or... she also had the option to do what she finally did: Veronica was silent for a few minutes and then told her mother: "Mom stop the car" the mother indicated that she could not stop and asked what she needed, to which Veronica said, "Mom, we have a situation, you need to go to a meeting, but I need to have fun, what do you propose? " Shocked, Veronica’s Mother called the school asking for advice on the matter to which we obviously advised her to seek a solution that achieve a win/win situation, for Veronica was demonstrating understanding of all the features of wisdom we promote. Veronica was able to transfer what she learned in school, which showed resilience, ability to analyze the situation as a whole and in its parts, empathy, creativity to search for a solution that adds value to both sides, and a mindset that understands that we all have needs that are different from mere wants. This mentality promotes win-win solutions, and equips children with powerful tools that facilitate wisdom throughout life. Lisa, also three, saw her mother arguing bitterly with a lady in the market. After a few minutes