All Modules 1-Module 1 - Philosophy | Page 18

18 Primary Years Programme (PYP) The "Primary Years Programme", 3 to 12 years, is part of the International Baccalaureate (IB), which integrates a constructivist philosophy with an international education. At its foundation, the PYP promotes inquisitive and active participation in the child as a citizen of the world and in his or her learning process in school. These elements are very vivid in Edu1st’s VESS model and curriculum. Others: Many more models and daily practices inspire, challenge, and strengthen what we are today. Models and practices not only in educational settings, but also in social, business, artistic, and other backgrounds as well. We believe in connections, teamwork, and the dynamism of knowledge that evolves constantly as a result of the interaction of different ideas and perspectives. Logo therapy The VESS model, proposed by Edu1st, emphasizes the importance of a leading a “meaningful” life. It could be said that the previous sections of module 1 cover those components that together promote wisdom and balance, but not much has been mentioned yet about the agents that encourage a life of purpose and meaning. For these, Edu1st has investigated the work of Dr. Victor Frankl, among others. Dr. Frankl developed a method of therapy through meaning that he called Logo therapy. In his studies, he discovered that the freedom to make sense of everything of our thoughts and our thinking is of particular importance in the learning process. According to Frankl, "the modern person has the means to live, but often lacks a purpose for living" (Corey, p. 137). With this in mind, the VESS model provides children with the thinking tools necessary to foster the habit of finding and creating meaning and purpose in everything they do.