Alfreds I & II Operation Manuals Volume 1 | Page 13

Safety Briefing

The following points are designed to help the skipper determine what would be relevent for induc-ng a crew member or giving a safety briefing . It is not suggested or encouraged that the following list is just read out . The points on the following pages are meant to provide prompts to enable to skipper to work out what they cover during an induc-on to the boat or a safety brief .
Safety briefing should be brief . 3 – 5 minutes . They should be relevant to the boat and the crew and the passage on the day . The briefing should be interac-ve and where ever possible involve physically seeing or holding whatever is being discussed .
Crew responsibili-es Duty of care , personal safety , smoking / drinking Stowage of personal gear & wet weather gear Sun protec3on , avoiding dehydra3on and hyperthermia Medical issues and check if there are any non- swimmers Ac3on in the event of a fire
Evacua-on procedure Muster point & nearest exit , explana3on of hatches ( dogged not locked and to be closed at sea )
Loca-on , opera-on & expiry of safety equipment
First aid kit and contents , flare pack , fire blankets & ex3nguishers , EPIRB , hand held VHF .
Lifejackets Loca3on , when to wear and how , check gas bocle for inflatable jackets , inform crew jackets do not have a light . Safety tethers are carried on board but the lifejackets do not have harness points , crew must understand how these could be used during an evacua3on or abandonment .
Helm / naviga-on sta-on How to turn on VHF & channel 16 , Mayday card & Mayday call , GPS MOB func3on , Distress bucon for a MAYDAY . Dry area
Domes-cs & explana-on of limited resources Water : How to fill tanks , limit use of fresh water , use taps & switch on pump Baceries : use of invertor switches and plugs / how to check the voltage / fridge Mentholated spirits procedure and stove : How to use the cooker , how to refill the stove and ac3on to be taken in the event of a fire .
Heads : How to use , clean & avoid blocking
Bilge pumps Engine Driven Bilge Pump clutch switch / electrical pumps
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