Albert Lea Seed House Oat Production Guide | Page 22

8. Licensed grain fumigants can be used for non-organic certified oats stored for several months on-farm, but must not leave ANY traces of residues. Malathion is considered a grain protectant and should be applied to bin surfaces. The University of Minnesota recommends the following: “Apply these residual insecticides to as many surfaces as possible, especially joints, seams, cracks, ledges, and corners. Spray the ceilings, walls, and floors to the point of runoff.” It must be applied before grain storage and have dried before grain contact. Diatomaceous earth application is approved, but farmers must notify Grain Millers of its use prior to delivery. 9. Develop a plan and schedule for safe grain moisture and temperature monitoring. During the fall and spring, we recommend checking the bins weekly to avoid rapid moisture and temperature variations. Remember, on warm spring days, the grain just inside the shiny metal walls on the sunny side of the bin warms quickly, while doing so far more slowly on the shaded side. The bin can then form its own “atmosphere”, and grain spoilage can occur. 10. If aeration is not option for a bin, many farmers have successfully “turned” (emptying and refilling) a bin while incorporating a rapid, effective cleaning operation to remove more fines, debris, and light material. Many farmers have actually reported small increases in test weights when performing this operation, and being able to store the grain longer. Effective, licensed fumigations can also be performed along with this practice. “Preventing Stored-grain Insect Infestation.” Small Grains Production