Albert Lea Seed House 2018 Garden Catalog | Page 14

Rainbow Swiss Chard MICRO GREENS Continued RAINBOW SWISS CHARD 62 days. This chard produces amazing colors in shades of red, purple, pink, orange, yellow and white. Delicious stir-fried or as steamed greens. Suitable spinach substitute. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.49 $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 SPINACH HYBRID # 7 43 days. Heavy producer of very flavorful medium-dark green leaves. Recommended for fresh market and processing. 1/2 oz 1 oz $1.49 $2.49 1/4 lb $7.99 Pink Banana Jumbo Sweet Dumpling 1 lb $19.99 AMISH PIE SQUASH-WINTER TABLE KING BUSH ACORN 80 days. Glossy, dark gray-green and ribbed, this squash has thick pale -orange flesh with excellent flavor. Space saving 2’ plants yield 5-8 fruits each weighing two pounds. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 TABLE QUEEN ACORN 85 days. This individual-sized squash is popular for home, market, garden and shipping. Trailing vines produce ribbed, thin-shelled fruits. Flesh is light yellow and bakes dry and sweet. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 BLOOMSDALE SWEET DUMPLING 45 days. Outstanding strain of savory-leaved spinach. In-demand for home and market gardens. Plant is uniform and compact while leaves are large, dark green, blis- tered and crumpled. 90 days. One of the sweetest of all! This small, ribbed fruit has white skin with green stripes. Its sweet and tender orange flesh makes this varie- ty a favorite. 1/2 oz 1 oz $1.49 $2.49 1/4 lb $7.99 1 lb $19.99 NEW ZEALAND SPINACH 60 days. Not true spinach, this ever-bearing plant withstands heat to produce salad greens throughout summer. Thick, fleshy leaves are slow to bolt. 1/2 oz 1 oz $1.99 $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1 lb $24.99 Order by email: [email protected] Page 13 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 SPAGHETTI 90 days. Medium-sized, 3-4 pound oblong fruits are a low-carb spaghetti alternative. Can be stored several months in a cool, dry place. Vigorous spreading vines. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 WALTHAM BUTTERNUT 95 days. The most popular butter- nut. Fruits can reach 12” and weigh 3 -6 pounds. Flesh is rich, nutty, dry and yellowish-orange. Vines are vig- orous with high yields. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 98 days. An old Amish favorite, these heart-shaped squash can reach 60-80 pounds. Excellent for pies. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 BURGESS BUTTERCUP 100 days. The most widely- planted buttercup. Flattened turbans, measuring 5-8” in diameter, weigh up to 3-5 pounds. Harvest when yel- low markings on the fruit’s under- side turn orange. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 DELICATA 100 days. Delicata has a fine, sweet, potato-like flavor. Fruits are 3” in diameter and 6-8” long. This variety is cream-colored with green stripes from blossom to stem. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 HONEY BABY HYBRID 100 days. 2017 All American Selections Regional Winner. Easy-to -grow, space-saving plants. Compact 2-3 foot vines are high-yielding, pro- ducing 8-9 fruits per plant. Powdery- mildew resistant. 1/8 oz 1/4 oz $2.99 $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $59.99 PINK BANANA JUMBO 105 days. Fruits grow up to 30” long, with a cylindrical shape and a hard rind. Flesh is thick and yellow- ish-orange. Limited storage. 1/4 oz 1/2 oz $1.79 $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99