Albert Lea Seed House 2018 Farm Seed Guide | Page 27

Tall Fescue
Meadow Fescue
Perennial Ryegrass
Tall Fescue
The best alfalfa companion grass because they establish and mature at similar rates . It is a deep rooted , hardy , bunch-type grass . Its extensive root system helps it withstand drought conditions . It is more productive in midsummer than brome , timothy , or orchardgrass . New varieties have finer , softer leaves , a trait that improves palatability and digestibility . Can provide 2-3 cuttings of hay annually . Very tolerant of intensive grazing .
Best Use : Suitable for hay or pasture . Can be seeded in pure stands or in combination with other grasses or legumes . Ideal for winter stockpiling as cut hay or pasture . Begin grazing at 6-8 ” and remove animals when grass gets down to 3-4 ”. Adaptations : Well adapted to all soil types from drought prone soils to poorly drained soils and wet areas . Requirements : When used as an alfalfa companion , time the first cutting according to the maturity of the fescue , rather than the alfalfa . The 2nd , 3rd , and 4th cuttings can be timed with the alfalfa . Use only low-endophyte varieties . Planting Date : March-May , August 15th-30th . Seeding : 20-25 lbs / acre alone or 4-12 lbs / acre in a mix . Suggestion : Seed meadow fescue with your tall fescue to improve palatability in pasture mixes .
Meadow Fescue
A highly productive , very winter hardy , perennial bunch grass . Leaves are long and slender , bright green and succulent . It is softer-leafed and more palatable than tall fescue . More persistent than perennial ryegrass , it has equal nutritive value and stronger summer production under hot , dry conditions .
Best Use : A great component in long-term pasture mixes or as an alfalfa companion . Begin grazing at 6-8 ” and remove animals when the grass is down to 3-4 ”. Best Adaptation : Grows under cool , moist conditions , and tolerates wet and occasionally flooded soils . On rich soils , it reaches up to 30 ” in height . Requirements : While yield may be less than tall fescue , animal intake and performance should be higher due to its increased palatability . Planting Date : March-May . Seeding : 20 lbs / acre alone or 6-12 lbs / acre in a mix . Suggestions : Include meadow fescue in any mixture for hay or pasture to improve palatability and tonnage .
Perennial Ryegrass
A perennial , cool-season , grass that grows from 1-2 ’ tall . It establishes rapidly , has excellent wear tolerance , is relatively high yielding , and has high nutritive value . Recovers rapidly and tillers extensively . Careful management and variety selection can help ensure the best results . Best Use : Used mainly for grazing or haylage in mixture with red clover or white clover . Begin grazing at 4-6 ” – stop when grass gets down to 3 ”. Adaptations : Produces best on heavier , moisture-holding soils . Not well suited for sandy ground . Requirements : Slow mid-summer growth . Should be grazed closely and frequently . To maximize winter hardiness , graze or cut to 4-6 ” going into fall freeze up , apply 50 # of N along with sulfur , and maintain good levels of calcium and micronutrients . Planting Date : March-May , August 1st-15th . Can also be frost seeded in early spring to help maintain it as a component of a permanent pasture . Seeding : 25-35 lbs / acre alone or 4-10 lbs / acre in a mix .
A cross between meadow fescue or tall fescue and perennial or Italian ryegrass . It combines the quick establishment , high feed value , production , and palatability of ryegrass with the extra persistence and summer productivity of fescue . It has a higher sugar content that is easily digested , allowing animals to gain a high-energy ratio for milk / meat conversion . Provides excellent season long forage . Best Use : Recommended for silage in a mixture with alfalfa or red clover in short-term rotations ( 2-3 years ). Also used in fast-establishing pasture mixes or in over seeding pastures . Begin grazing at 4-6 ” and remove animals when grass is 2-3 ”. Adaptations : Likes medium-heavy soils . When mixed with alfalfa or clover , it provides a grass companion that will enhance palatability and quality in the ration . Requirements : Should not be seeded alone due to its susceptibility to cold but has good persistence when mixed with legumes or other grasses . Planting Date : March-May , August 1st-15th . Seeding : 25-45 lbs / acre alone or 5-10 lbs / acre in a mix . Suggestions : Keep using bromegrass or orchardgrass but add festulolium to improve the quality of your pasture or haylage .
• Soft leafed variety , highly palatable
• Excellent for grazing or haying
• Very good stress tolerance
• Endophyte free Conventional _____ $ 1.86 / lb $ 93 / 50 # bag
• Premium blend of late-maturing , highly digestible soft-leaf tall fescues
• Well suited for mixing with alfalfa for haying
• Endophyte free Conventional _____$ 2.74 / lb $ 137 / 50 # bag
• Highest quality and softest-leaf variety
• Excellent hardiness and disease resistance
• Best grazing tall fescue variety
• Endophyte free Conventional _____$ 2.74 / lb $ 137 / 50 # bag
Meadow Fescue
• Winter hardy variety
• Very good persistence , yield and quality Conventional _____$ 2.30 / lb $ 115 / 50 # bag
• High disease resistance
• High yields of very digestible dry matter in all cuts
• Combination of Cosmonaut and Barvital , two high yielding meadow fescues
Conventional _____$ 3.00 / lb $ 150 / 50 # bag
• New generation diploid variety
• Excellent drought and cold tolerance
• Good option for grazing environments
• Early maturity Conventional _____ $ 1.50 / lb $ 75 / 50 # bag
• More heat and cold tolerant than BG-34
• Better disease tolerance
• Blend of intermediate and late diploid and tetraploid varieties
Conventional _____$ 2.10 / lb $ 105 / 50 # bag
Spring Green
• Cross between meadow fescue and Italian ryegrass
• Excellent spring yield and winter hardiness Conventional _____ $ 1.94 / lb $ 97 / 50 # bag
• Fast establishment in the spring
• Excellent first cut yields
• Best suited to medium-heavy soils
• Excellent choice for pasture renovations or new seedings
Organic _________$ 4.10 / lb $ 205 / 50 # bag
• Very high yielding and digestible tall fescue
• Drought tolerant and very winterhardy Organic _________$ 4.90 / lb $ 245 / 50 # bag
• Very high palatability , endophyte free
• Very winter-hardy and drought tolerant
• Soft leafed , suitable for grazing or haying
• Available for pick up May / June Organic _________$ 3.90 / lb $ 195 / 50 # bag
“ When you look at the field it looks like a solid stand of alfalfa . But the grass is out there , it is just a little shorter than the alfalfa . People told me that having fescue in there would increase my RFQ by 15 %, and after one cutting on the seeding year , I think it ’ s true .” West Bend , IA
• High-yielding and fast establishing
• Early maturing and widely adaptable to all soil types
• Very high quality , excellent choice for haying or grazing
Organic _________$ 4.70 / lb $ 235 / 50 # bag
SW Minto
• Late heading variety
• Wide cut or graze window
• Good yield and persistence
• Available for pick up May / June Organic _________$ 4.40 / lb $ 220 / 50 # bag
• Tetrapolid , productive variety
• Excellent disease tolerance
• Good winter hardiness
• Highly digestible for pasture or sileage Conventional ___ $ 1.80 / lb $ 90.00 / 50 # bag Organic ______ $ 4.00 / lb $ 200 / 50 # bag
• Diploid variety
• High forage yields and fast establishment
• Good disease resistance and winter survival
• Available for pick up May / June
Organic ______ $ 3.40 / lb $ 170 / 50 # bag
• Very good forage quality and persistence
• High yielding and fast recovery after cutting or grazing
• Available for pick up May / June Organic _________$ 3.80 / lb $ 190 / 50 # bag
Cool Season Grasses 27