Albert Lea Seed House 2018 Cover Crop Seed Guide | Page 12

Winter Rye As A Cover Crop Winter rye (aka cereal rye) is a winter grain seeded in the fall and is the most widely planted cover crop species in the Upper Midwest. It provides winter ground cover, vigorous early spring growth, and serves as a cover crop, forage, and grain. Rye is a cereal grain like wheat and barley and should not be confused with annual or perennial ryegrasses. Winter rye is the superior choice as a fall- planted overwintering cover crop when compared to perennial ryegrass, or annual ryegrass. WINTER RYE FAST FACTS • Plant from mid-August until the end of October. Winter rye germinates down to 35 o F but adequate snow cover needed for very late planting • Drilling: For cover crop drill seed at 50-100 pounds per acre at a depth of 3/4” to 1-1/2”. For grain or forage, plant 100 lbs per acre. (25-35 plants per square foot). • Broadcast/Aerial: Fly 50 to 100 lbs per acre into field corn, sweet corn, and soybeans at the beginning of leaf senescences (browning) for a strong rye stand or for late fall grazing and again in early spring. • Drill soybeans after rye termination. Alternately, soybeans can be no-till drilled into green rye and then terminated in the spring. • Stands of rye can be very tall and thick by the time of planting into living rye: prepare the planter for the biomass with adequate down pressure and seed depth/furrow closure adjustments. • Winter rye does not require supplemental fertilizer, but you may add 20 to 30 lbs/ acre of early spring-applied N. • Terminate rye 10-14 days prior to planting corn. • However you choose to plant rye, start clean. Excessive crop residue may prevent seed from reaching the soil, causing an uneven stand. Also, decomposing rye reside ties up nutrients and can have an allelopathic effect on corn. WINTER RYE YIELD RESULTS (2015-2017, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA) Cultivar Aroostook Elbon Hazlet KWS Bono 1 KWS Brasetto 1 Maton II Musketeer ND Dylan Oklon Prima Rymin Spooner Wheeler Mean (bu/acre) LSD (0.1) Lamberton 2017 3 Yr Le Center 3 Yr 2017 2017 81 84 116 153 144 80 95 100 83 99 102 88 74 78 84 115 160 141 77 95 - 78 110 105 99 60 100.2 6 St. Paul 3 Yr Kimball 2 2 Yr 2017 3 Yr 2017 3 Yr 53 86 120 249 188 70 69 88 66 66 96 86 64 70 78 119 190 162 73 89 - 72 93 108 100 47 53 55 155 210 187 62 83 105 65 97 97 89 43 77 73 132 173 157 75 81 - 80 95 103 108 47 70 78 119 190 162 73 89 - 72 93 108 100 47 78 77 120 165 157 68 100 99 65 113 114 102 42 68 72 129 172 170 64 105 - 65 110 108 96 41 73 78 123 175 162 72 92 100 76 98 67 73 125 187 167 63 96 - 68 108 82.3 59.9 76.7 56.2 65.6 76.7 71.1 13 35 17 30 23 14 29 2016 and 2017 data (3 year data is predicted value). 2 2015 and 2016 data. 1 12 Crookston State 103 111 84 101 63 35 60.3 71.7 56.1 19 8 11