Albert Lea Seed House 2018 Cover Crop Seed Guide | Page 10

Nitrogen-Fixing Cool Season Cover Crops Hairy Vetch* Winter annual, viney cover crop legume with purple blossoms and compound leaves. Exceptional biomass; can be a heavy N-fixer (up to 100+ lbs N/acre at flowering). Improves soil structure, scavenges P, and competes well against early season weeds. Can winterkill if planted past recommended dates. • Best fall-planted legume for nitrogen fixation • Companion seed with oats, winter rye or another nurse crop to increase chances of winter survival • Produces hard seed; control plant before seed set Do not seed vetch into small grains if harvesting for marketable grain. Vetch seed is hard to separate from small grains • Very viney: can clog equipment Conventional_____________ $1.50/lb $75/50 lb bag Organic_________________ $2.00/lb $100/50 lb bag Purple Bounty Hairy Vetch • Winterhardy, early maturing hairy vetch from USDA • Selected for high nitrogen fixation potential and increased biomass • Flowers two weeks earlier than common hairy vetch making it ideal for Upper Midwest rotations Organic_________________ $2.20/lb $110/50 lb bag Chickling Vetch* • Viney, spring-seeded cover crop legume used for