Albert Lea Seed House 2016 Cover Crops & Winter Grains Catalog | Page 2

We Know That Cover Crops Can Work For You! It is all about the soil. Cover crops protect and build your most valuable far m resource: your soil. Healthy soil keeps your farm profitable, insulates you from weather extremes, keeps surface waters clean, and builds your farm for future generations However, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to cover cropping. We know the way you farm is not how your neighbors farm. We take time to work with you individually, ask the right questions, and come up with seed options that will match your farming system and your goals. We believe in cover cropping and we can help them work for you. Cover Crop Seeding 101        In general, the more diversity you can plant, the better the chance of success. We strongly recommend mixes over individual species in most cases. When seeding cover crops you want to ensure good seed-to-soil contact, proper seeding depth, and adequate soil preparation. As much as possible try to time cover crop seeding with a forecasted rain Carefully monitor your herbicide program to ensure no carryover effect on cover crops If broadcasting or aerial seeding cover crops, increase seeding rates by 25-30% When using cover crops for forage, increase seeding rates by 50% Some crops (like cover crop radish) can be precision planted on rows; lowering overall seeding rates Important Considerations When Choosing Cover Crops           Start small to increase your knowledge base and familiarity with cover crops before scaling up. A good place to start is winterkilled cover crops; they require the least spring management. Varying the maturities of your cash crops or including a 3rd crop in your rotation can provide a wider window of opportunity to successfully seed cover crops. Check chemical rotation restrictions. Pay attention to combine settings & how you manage your residue (e.g. chopper heads often leave residue that shades-out fall-seeded cover crops) What cash crops are you seeding the cover crops into/after? What crop will come next? Consider how you will plant the cover crops? What equipment do you have or can you access? Think through fall, spring & summer management operations and how that can be integrated with cover crops seeding. Remember to contact your insurance provider before proceeding with your cover crop plan. Conduct a test plot on your own farm to experiment with different mixes/species. Questions? Call us - 800-352-5247 800-352-5247 -2-