Alae Mercurii Volume 11 | Page 6

welcome to Fall Forum

Students and teachers began pouring into Woodstock High School, gathering in the gym for the first 9:00 General Assembly. Jasmin Gao, our GJCL Secretary, catalogued the banners for the Pre-Event Banner Contest, which depicted interpretations of this year’s JCL theme: Omnis Ars Naturae Imitatio Est. Those banners fluttered above the myriad of students packing into the Woodstock stands, the excitement for the upcoming day becoming an almost tangible tension.

The day proceeded in a whirl-wind of action. There were four major academic contests. JCLers who truly wanted to push their limits and who wanted to train their Decathlon skills took the Pentathlon. Also available were the History and Culture Exam, the Mythology Exam, and the Latin Literature Exam. For the slightly more adventurous Latin lover, there was the Sight Latin Reading. For those brave souls taking AP Latin, there was also the AP Essay and the CAMWS Translation Exam!

Test taking isn’t the only fun that Fall Forum goers had!

There were multiple workshops to attend, including but not limited to the Meet the Officer workshop, where normal JCLers could meet and talk with the GJCL officers. There was also the ever popular Gladiatorial Contest, where one could become a murmillo or a retiarius.

When not fighting in the arena, JCLers could also been seen competing in the Impromptu Art contest and also in the copious amounts of Ludi events held by the SCL. Spikes were smashed on the volleyball court and the jocks of the JCL butted-heads at the Tug of War, Ultimate Frisbee, and Distance Run. The competition at Certamen was just as fierce, if not fiercer, and the finals were heart-stopping to watch.

One of the biggest competitions at Fall Forum, however, is the Host/Hostess Contest. This year only one Host was chosen…and that Host actually turned out to be a Hostess! Mina Yu is the new 2016-2017 Hostess. Read more on page 10.

Charlotte Densmore, this year’s 2nd VP, also successfully ran her service project at Fall Forum, which involved writing letters to U.S. soldiers. Many JCLers took time out of their active day to write a thoughtful note to those fighting for our freedom overseas.

Overall, this years’ 2016-2017 Fall Forum was a massive success. Hope to see you next year!

Hannah Marier

GJCL Editor

Georgia JCL Editor

Woodstock High School