Alae Mercurii Volume 10 Winter Edition | Page 5

Small Beginnings

The beginnings of my JCL experience were not as glamorous as others’ might have been. I remember walking into Latin for the first time and seeing over sixty students crowded in a small, cluttered room--I had to carefully step over limbs, backpacks, and instruments to get to my seat every day. Waking up to attend class also proved difficult, and the only thing that compelled me to attend class daily was imagining the disapproving look of my omniscient, omnipotent Latin teacher. I was a member of the GJCL in name only, and I didn’t really know what that membership meant. I got a small taste at my first Fall Forum, but it was really state convention that made me realize what the GJCL was all about.

Whether you want to take academic tests, enter creative/graphic art contests, compete in ludi, or just have a good time, Latin convention has something for everyone. I had previously been unaware of the strong, lasting bonds that could be formed while sharing a love for Latin, and the Classics had never seemed so alive to me as at convention. Though I could talk forever about how great convention is, the only way to find out is to go! Even when high schoolers advertised how fun convention was to my eighth grade Latin I class, I could not believe something seemingly so nerdy could be at all enjoyable. I could never have predicted that taking Latin seemingly so nerdy could be at all enjoyable. I could never have predicted that taking Latin and going to convention would open so many doors to improving leadership skills and forming friendships.

As vice-president, Praetoria has been my favorite endeavor thus far. Getting to know all the representatives was awesome, and working with Ashley is always delightful! Everyone actively listened to the informational presentations and fully engaged in brainstorming. I was impressed by many of the ideas and by the respectful environment the attendees maintained while discussing. Since Praetoria, I have been working on creating pre-made publicity forms that should make it easier to keep up with the publicity contest. I also hope to create a welcoming package of sorts to recruit schools with Latin programs into the GJCL, which would be sent out by the successive board. I hope that the current board’s contributions will be felt long after we are gone.


Dong Yoon Jang

What famous would I have dinner with? Adam Levine before he shaved his hair. Mainly because I really enjoy music and he's pretty dang good at it.

so nerdy could be at all enjoyable. I could never have predicted that taking Latin and going to convention would open so many doors to improving leadership skills and forming friendships.

As vice-president, Praetoria has been my favorite endeavor thus far. Getting to know all the representatives was awesome, and working with Ashley is always delightful! Everyone actively listened to the informational presentations and fully engaged in brainstorming. I was impressed by many of the ideas and by the respectful environment the attendees maintained while discussing. Since Praetoria, I have been working on creating pre-made publicity forms that should make it easier to keep up with the publicity contest. I also hope to create a welcoming package of sorts to recruit schools with Latin programs into the GJCL, which would be sent out by the successive board. I hope that the current board’s contributions will be felt long after we are gone.


Dong Yoon Jang