Alae Mercurii Volume 10 Winter Edition | Page 32


Lauren Johnson

Where to begin? From Latin nerd to Caesar freak, I’ve heard it all. The countless ridicule for taking a dead language has been omnipresent since the eighth grade. Why? What’s the point? Where is this going to get you?

By the end of sophomore year, I was beginning to believe the naysayers, until my scary Latin teacher somehow convinced me to go to this weird Latin gathering at Rock Eagle.

“5 minutes early is on time,” Mr. Yaggy belts out across the parking lot one Friday morning. Book bags on our backs, sleeping bags under our arms, and eyebrows on fleek, the North Gwinnett chapter of the Junior Classical League was ready to make their journey to Latin convention.

As soon as we stepped out of the car, I knew I was going to like this place. The sun was shining down, the birds were chirping, and there was a strangely skinny boy walking down the street in a toga. I was uncertain of many things that day, but by the end, I was sure of three: (1) I was going to run a mile in a banana suit, (2) Mr. Yaggy does have a heart, and (3) this is about to be one of the best weekends of my life. The first item on the agenda was Certamen. Oh lord. With powerhouses like Walton and Northview, I was losing my love for the sport. Then, with the help of team captain, Maggie Light, we made it to the final round, against Walton and Northview, no doubt.

We prepared ourselves for slaughter until the craziest thing happened.

I answered a question. I answered a question correctly. For someone who had answered a total of three toss-ups the entire year, I was exhilarated. I jumped out of my seat, people were clapping, and I found that love again.

It was Mr. Yaggy’s last year with us at State Convention, so I wanted to make sure it was great. I’m not especially athletic or academically gifted, so I took to one of our own traditions to leave my mark. Saturday night at chapter caucus, North has what we call “The Airing of Grievances”. It is a set time where you can say anything you want to Mr. Yaggy without repercussions. It could be about anywhere from his haircut to his teaching styles. I don’t want to bore you too much, but let’s just say I brought the house down. I had our entire chapter laughing, including Mr. Yaggy. I’ve relived that night a hundred times. And it was in that moment, surrounded by people whom I thought to be strangers, that I realized what State Convention is all about. It’s not about learning or earning awards (although those things are nice), it’s about bringing together an awesome group of people for the love of classics. It’s where I found my best friend, my best teacher, and most importantly: my best love.