Alae Mercurii Volume 10 Winter Edition | Page 28


Jaime Claymore

Fall Forum

Fall Forum is the first major state event chapters attend. As a result of the experience of upperclassmen and second time Fall Forum goers, freshmen and sophomores were encouraged to participate in sight Latin and other events so that they would be familiarized with the JCL environment. We had two members, one who attended Praetoria and used his gained knowledge to prepare for this competition, participate in the contest for host and hostess. To express this year’s theme, members did their best to wear one of two shirts from previous years so that the chapter would be fashionably united and victorious.


To celebrate the holidays Roman style, MVJCL announced its annual Saturnalia Dinner. In previous years JCLers gathered and dined at an Italian restaurant, but this Saturnalia was held at MVHS in the atrium. The gathering was an Italian potluck with appetizers, salads, entrees (mostly pasta), and desserts. Along with a dish JCLers needed to bring something extra. Each year it has been highly encouraged attendees bring canned food or other food item(s) for a donation to the Lawrenceville Co-op. Thus MVJCL helps the city community while strengthening the club community, which is one purpose of the Saturnalia Dinner. MVJCL gathers to spend one more time together before finals, winter break, and the New Year. People with various JCL experience attend Saturnalia: from the first year freshmen to the four year state convention seniors as well as visiting alumni, who talked about college and their experiences with Latin and prove that JCL has made an impact on their lives. Why wouldn’t you return to an event to remember all the wonderful times as a JCLer? On the classical side, the Roman festival of Saturnalia is explained to first time attendees. This Saturnalia had its dining tables decorated with miniature Christmas trees adorned with ornaments inspired by millefiori made by our latin tow classes.

Cookie Making Day

Over the winter break, the MVHS JCL Board gathered at our sponsor and Latin teacher’s house for a cookie making session. Every member of the board attended this culinary convention. There are twelve members of the MVJCL Board, but three freshmen are new to the JCL experience. They were added to help promote freshmen involvement in JCL and ensure the continuation of, and participation in, the board. To maintain the bonds of current members, but to more importantly incorporate the new and young members, this gathering was planned. For an activity we broke up into four groups and each made its own “gingerbread” (it was actually graham crackers). Our creations were then judged and given “awards” by our teacher. Each house came out with a very different and unique look.

Christmas Parade

The Mountain View JCL Board participated in the Mall of Georgia Christmas Parade in early December. We wanted to let the community know “lingua Latina vivit!” We pulled a near life size horse, inspired by the Trojan, and handed out candy. We did not want the fun to end after the parade, so we all went to see Mockingjay Part 2. This was our 1st event showing off this year's shirts, which represent this year's theme and have a pac man element.

37, 39: Cookie Making Day; 38: Christmas Parade; 40: Saturnalia; 41: Fall Forum Volleyball Team; 42: Fall Forum Winners