Alae Mercurii Volume 10 Winter Edition | Page 20


Hannah Marier

This winter in Marist JCL has been the very opposite of stagnant. As Marist is a Catholic school, we take pride in our service opportunities and our constant drive for helping those in need. In particular, we just had our annual Mythopaloosa, which is a gathering of students who are eighth graders through fifth graders from the Lovett School, Path Academy, and the Reach For Excellence Program. At this “gathering”, students are immersed into the fantastical tales of Greek Mythology! They have an opportunity to play certamen, focusing solely on mythology. In addition, the Mythopaloosa helps prepare all of these eager students for the National Mythology Exam. This year, the theme is Jason and the Argonauts. In order to help learn more about Jason and his friends on the Argo, all the students created a movie depicting the different scenes of the myth. They also looked over a website created by a Marist sophomore, Hannah Marier, which is focused on teaching students basic mythology and generally preparing them for the NME (National Mythology Exam). The looks of excitement that exploded on the faces of many of the Path Academy students when they got a question correct made the long day worth it. Cinodose Yelma, or more commonly known as ‘Cino’, is a fifth grader at Path Academy. He proudly states that “my favorite god is Hermes!” right before he records a scripted radio station interview with the god of thieves and travelers himself. You could imagine his overwhelming enthusiasm when he found out he could play the role of his favorite god.

In the fall, Marist JCL put on a reenactment of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which brought the entire campus into a Latin fever, even if they took French or German. Not long before that was the Readathon, where the all 12 books of the Aeneid were read none stop for the entire day in order to raise money for the Mythopaloosa, our previously mentioned service project. Not to forget the riveting experience of Saturnalia, where the reawakening of the titan Saturn was reenacted in a live performance in front of candle bearing JCLers. Now, Marist JCL and Marist Latin Honor Society is partnering to help get ready for state…after all, there are speeches to memorize and small models to design. Not to mention studying for all those Academic tests! Marist JCL is ready to challenge GJCL State Convention 2016!


Ashley Choo-Hen

Upon the sunset of January 29th, the Blessed Trinity Latin Club kicked off the semester with a “Classic” event: Hercules and Hot Chocolate. With students of all ages and languages taken gathering to watch Disney’s Hercules, the Latin room bubbled with energy, jazzy tunes, and hot water. Once the members of the club settled into their desks with a warm cup of hot chocolate, Ms. Freeman, sponsor of BTJCL, paused the movie -- gasp! -- and asked everyone to share their favorite Latin words. Among the many were ululare, animadvertere, and susurrare. Not one, not two, but three kinds of pizza decked the desks along the edge, accompanied by freshman and vegan Jack Wagner who says:

“Herc and hot choc was a fun bonding experience. As we watched the movie, I felt a sense of familial comfort among my Classical peers. Announcing our favorite words in Latin, drinking hot chocolate, and eating pizza -- not me -- were tremendously enjoyable. Moreover, I was dubbed secretary of the Blessed Trinity Latin Club, a title one may never forget. I felt a tremendous surge of nostalgia run throughout my body as ‘I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)’ soared through the room.”

Despite the loose interpretation of the Classical myth, Hercules aroused excitement when someone would remember a god, a labor, or a lyric. Senior and non-Latin taker Norman Francis also attended the event after rehearsal for the school musical and had a few words to say about the event:

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the Latin Club’s annual Hercules and Hot Chocolate since I love Hercules, the food, and the company. Despite not being a member of the Latin Club, I have always been welcomed with open arms. I would rate 9/10, would do again.”

We hope to see the rest of BTJCL for another screening of Hercules in the upcoming month. Next time, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.