Akram Youth The Power of Half | November 2015 | Akram Youth | Page 5

, scientist a , r o t c do l worker ecome a He can b a poet or a socia ing n, ak a musicia n account for m ople a pe ec tyles of s where h e f li is in nges t large. H a n io t vast cha a N le ties and of peop s e v or socie li e h ffect t actions a . ding him surroun enic enjoy natural sc n ca y e th r fo ssed ting that Humans are ble f music, a pain o n o ti si o p m d d co artistic way an n a beauties, a goo in w o b in ra lors of a tion to reveals many co s he is in a posi u h T s. re su a . le nsual p and intelligence d in m many other se f o t n e e of developm take advantag Scientists, philosophers, psychologists and Researchers are in pursuit of exploring newer discoveries to make human life more and more comfortable and enjoyable. Material science has succeeded so far and we see lot of progress in this field through various inventions and technological development. Akram Youth | 05