Akram Youth The Power of Half | November 2015 | Akram Youth | Page 21

Questioner: What is the prerequisite for attaining the exact goal of human life and how long is this endeavor possible? Dadashri: One should know the qualities of ideal human beings and one should know how to attain them. One should go and sit near those human beings who have attained qualities of humanity. The two types of goals in worldly life Questioner : What should one do to attain his goal in life? Dadashri: What goal have you decided for this human life? Tell me. Two types of goals need to be decided. The first is that if you cannot meet a Gnani Purush then until then, you have to live your life in such a way that no living being is hurt by you. You have to spend your time in the company (satsang) and vicinity of good human beings and avoid bad company (kusang) as much as possible. This should be the aim. The supreme goal of not hurting a single living being to the slightest extent should be there. It is not our independent authority to give happiness to others. And if you happen to meet a Gnani Purush then remain in his satsang. With Him, all your goals will be accomplished and all your puzzles will be solved. So what then is the goal of a human being? Human beings of India have the potential to become Gods. To attain one’s own Supreme Self is the final goal of a human being. The goal is lost and one becomes a beggar T he religion for human beings in India is not simply for building temples only. To be born in India is exclusively for liberation. Do all your work with the goal of attaining liberat [ۈ[