Akram Youth Dream & Its Science!! | April 2016 | Akram Youth | Page 17

A Good Night Sleep Good sleep is important for having a great day. Sound sleep results in increased energy and productivity, improved heart and immune system, health, a better mood, even a longer life. And hey, you just feel so much better after a satisfying 8 hours of rest. Researchers have identified a variety of practices and habits - known as “sleep hygiene" - that can help anyone maximize the hours they spend sleeping, even those whose sleep is affected by insomnia, jet lag, or shift work. Do’s Don't’s 1. Do regular exercise in the morning or early in the evening before having dinner. 2. Do yoga & Meditation regularly. 3. Do take a warm bath before getting into the bed. 4. Do follow a routine. Get up and Go to bed at the same time every day. 5. Do ask for forgiveness from the God you believe in for all your mistakes, just for 5 to 10 minutes before lying on the bed for sleep. 6. Do take a glass of lukewarm water or milk half an hour before you sleep. 7. Do read 2 to 3 pages of any inspirational/spiritual/religious book, before you sleep. 8. Do burn sleep inducing incense stick like sandalwood, violate, lily, jasmine etc. in your bedroom. 9. Do chant a mantra you have faith in, visualizing each letter with closed eyes. 10. Listen to soft instrumental/devotional/relaxing music before going to sleep. 1. Don’t take caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, tobacco and chemicals that interfere with sleep. 2. Don’t take heavy meals that cause indigestion at night. 3. Don’t oversleep, or wake up late in the morning. 4. Don’t Get in an argument or broach a controversial topic in your bedroom. 5. Don’t watch TV or play on your computer. (Watching TV before you go to bed gives you a bad night's sleep and can lead to chronic health problems.) 6. Don’t nap for any longer than half an hour during the day time. 7. Don’t watch horror & thriller movies or programs, it can lead you to the scary thoughts and imaginations during night time which may disturb your sleep. 8. Don’t keep your mobile with you after your bedtime. Akram Youth | 17