Airsoft Action 06 - Feb 2012 | Page 70

MIKE: Three months ago I contacted Richard and asked him to provide me with a training plan so that I could improve my fitness for airsoft. Although I knew that I was nowhere near the fitness levels that I attained at my peak, I was certain that running around at airsoft for six hours a week while carrying 15lb of kit had helped to improve my fitness. Boy, was I wrong! In my first session with Richard I trained so hard that I vomited. This may put some of you off but it made me realise how unfit I had become and that airsoft had not actually done a great deal to improve my fitness. I persevered and by the second session I was already feeling the benefits of exercising in a clear and methodical manner. By the third session I was feeling the benefits of increased endorphin levels. You may struggle to see how the exercises that Richard has suggested can have a practical impact upon airsoft, but the main difference (and the one that is easiest to spot) is improved cardiovascular fitness. In airsoft terms this can show real dividends as you will be more likely to outpace your opponents when sprinting to objectives, or evade large groups of rival players who are advancing upon your position. Lunges work to enhance the leg muscles and improve posture Sit up with twist Lunges can be tiring on the leg and back muscles but they have a simple effect upon your skirmishing; when you consider that you may spend a lot of time kneeling and shooting it is actually quite easy to pull a muscle when getting up and moving quickly. However, by regularly training with lunges you will develop effective posture and muscle memory, which will encourage you to move correctly when manoeuvring from kneeling to walking or running in future. Through this simple but effective exercise you will give yourself an advantage over other players who will not be able to get up and move from a kneeling start as quickly as you. Push-ups and sit-ups will improve your general upper body strength, and this in turn will allow you to carry more kit for longer and at a greater pace – allied to good tactics and effective airsoft kit this could make you much harder to beat, and also able to pull off surprising manoeuvres on your slower opponents. All of these exercises and regimes take a great deal of effort and physical investment but they will pay dividends quickly. Aside from improving your fitness for airsoft, the regular improvement in endorphins can become addictive and each session will give you a buzz that will leave you craving more – this of course will also help improve your mood. But whatever you take from the advice given please take this… When you do try to get fit, make sure that you enjoy yourself and make the most of the time you dedicate to it. In the hectic pace of life it can be nice to have some solitary exercise time which allows you to marshal your thoughts and feelings. Physical and psychological health go hand in glove and an all-round healthy human being is a far more effective human being! ■ Richard Hewitt Personal Training For further advice, or to have a personal fitness regime created for your specific needs, contact Richard: or 070 February 2012