Airsoft Action 01 - Oct 2011 | Page 75

treads throw up dust, as does popping holes in a wall with your M4 – and when vehicles go down and things start to burn, everything is blanked out in dark smoky clouds. I think we are all going to spend a lot of time blasting at shadows in the smoke! Dice has updated its Frostbite engine to V2 and it’s looking better than ever. Buildings collapse left and right and, if you need to get into a building from the back, you can simply blast a hole in the wall and hop right through. It doesn’t appear that building size is limited – hell, if a sniper’s terrorising your squad you can take down a whole hotel just to take him out. Vehicle capability has also been updated, with planes making a grand return. Pilots better dig out their old joysticks – it’s going to get savage up there. Multiplayer classes have also been tweaked, and rearranged a little since Bad Company 2. ‘Engineer’ is the only class that remains untouched. ‘Assault’ class can no longer dish out ammo, though it can use paddles to resurrect teammates and dish out med-packs. The idea behind these changes are that they are on the MEDIA REVIEW frontline, and therefore closest to the shooting. ‘Support’ class has taken over control of the ammo, hefts the big gun and can now also deploy a bipod to massively increase accuracy and reduce recoil – at the cost of mobility. ‘Recon’ is the new name for what was previously the ‘Sniper’ class. Dice has shifted the emphasis of this class from long-range kills to more of a scout role. You are still armed with a rifle but there’s no more quick scoping – for long, accurate shots players are going to have to hold their breath. Playing as this class is therefore now more about locating the enemy and guiding the other classes in and around obstacles. Overall, Battlefield 3 is shaping up to be a very worthy next chapter in the Battlefield saga. But is it seriously about to knock Call of Duty off the throne? Only time will tell. I’ll see you on the Battlefield... 3. Created by Dice Published by Electronic Arts Due date: 28th October 075