AHI Carrier Catalog | Page 576

D E S I G N I N G I N N O V A T I V E S O L U T I O N S A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G & H E AT I N G S O L U T I O N S SIMPLICITY OR FULL MODUL ARITY ? IDR OFA N, BEC A U S E YOU S HOU L D NOT H AV E TO C HO O S E . Experience Versatility Serviceability Modular design Smart technologies Low noise emission www.carrier.com Since Willis Carrier developed the world’s first modern air conditioning system in1902, Carrier’s engineering teams have been designing advanced solutions for your business. And because you should not have to choose between simplicity or full modularity, the IDROFAN wide range can perfectly meet all your building requirements. With over millions of installations, the Idrofran range units ensure plug & play installations. The 42NL & 42NH units are designed to meet silence standards and meet customers demands in terms of heating and cooling capacity. The units are equiped with smart controllers including the new Water Terminal Controller, managing water valve and fan speed simultaneously for minimum energy consumption and maximum comfort. Combining simplicity of installation and a highly modular design, the 42NL & 42NH units are the right choice for all applications.