Agri Kultuur November 2018 | Page 44

Polyphagous Shot hole Borer. By Ken Walker (Available online: PaDIL - - pest/main/136019, CC BY 3.0, crop that’s affected at present are pecan nut trees on farms in the Northern Cape. In Israel and California the beetle caused substantial damage in avocado orchards, and although South African orchards are closely monitored by FABI team members, we have only detected it on a single backyard avocado tree in Johannesburg. Similarly, we found it on roadside wattle and eucalyptus trees, but so far, the pest hasn’t been detected in commercial Eucalyptus, wattle or pine plantations. In our opinion the most significant threat, but also the most difficult to predict and manage, is to South Africa’s native tree species such as coral trees, wild olives, yellow woods and Natal figs. Managing the problem California has been battling the beetle problem for the last 10 years. A recent visit to AgriKultuur |AgriCulture the area helped us to establish what practical actions have been taken to bring the problem under control. An effective public awareness campaign was launched, informing residents and local governments about the beetle and its impact. Municipalities removed reproductive host trees, most of which were going to die anyway. The state also introduced legislation preventing infested wood from being moved from one area to another. Although researchers there have shown that chemical control of the beetle and fungus on individual trees can protect them, this has not been applied widely, and is typically only used to protect high value individual trees. The major challenge in South Africa is to connect different stakeholders and government bodies through effective communication. Roles and responsibilities (also financial) of all contingents, at national, 44