Agri Kultuur July / Julie 2018 | Page 5

Contributors Medewerkers FAC Impson and CL Lyons Wilhelm de Beer, Associate Professor, University of Pretoria Dr Carel Muller, Departement van Veekundige Wetenskappe. Universiteit van Stellenbosch Jorisna Bonthuys Paul Brown Ferdi Jacobs. BVSA Sikhulumile Sinyolo, Research Specialist in the Economic Performance and Devel- opment, Human Sciences Research Council. Brian Berkman Ina Paarman To contribute or to advertise Om by te dra of om te adverteer [email protected] 082 788 2467 [email protected] 072 664 7667 Opinions of contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of Agri Culture. All articles, photos and information contained herein belongs to Agri Culture and may not be reprinted or used without permission. AgriKultuur |AgriCulture 5