Agri Kultuur January/ February 2015 | Page 8

food supply and to the environment, the FAO has declared Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (or SCPI) as their first strategic objective. Sustainable intensification has been defined as producing more from the same area of land while reducing negative environmental impacts. All aspects of the environment – soil, weather, vegetation, water – vary from place to place. And all these factors determine crop growth and farming success. Farmers have always been aware of this, but they lacked the tools to measure, map and manage these variations precisely. Innovative tools and techniques that empower farmers are therefore needed to do just that! Thus, Precision Farming can make a difference to food production facing the challenge of a rising world population and can help farmers to achieve: Precision Farming – producing more with less For more than 10,000 years people have cultivated crops using trial and error, received wisdom and how the soil feels when they rub it between their fingers. Only recently in history, mechanisation revolutionised the countryside with machinery and replaced horses with tractors. Nowadays, we’re witnessing a new farming revolution triggered by the adoption of staggering new technologies: satellites, high precision positioning systems, smart sensors and a range of IT applications combined with high-tech engineering. What is Precision Farming all about? Precision Farming is about managing variations in the field accurately to grow more food using fewer resources and reducing production costs.  Greater sustainability and environmental protection  Higher productivity  Economic benefits Precision Farming techniques in the crop growth cycle In the past 10 years, Precision Farming has moved from good science to good practice - and has witnessed unprecedented growth around the globe: 70 to 80% of new farm equipment sold today has some form of Precision Farming component inside. Thanks to cost-effective monitors and controllers and the integration into single data management systems, Precision Farming is becoming more seamless, cost-effective and easier for farmers to install and use. Precision Farming innovations are present in the 4 steps of the crop growth cycle: Crop Growth Cycle Precision Farming: key technologies & concepts If you want a detailed list of the most common technologies applied to Precision Farming practices, take a look at the following explanatory items:  High precision positioning systems (like GPS) are the key technology to achieve accuracy when driving in the field, providing navigation and positioning capability anywhere on earth, anytime under any all conditions. The systems record the position of the field using geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and locate and navigate agricultural vehicles within a field with 2cm accuracy.  Automated steering systems: enable to take over specific driving tasks like auto-steering, overhead turning, following field edges and overlapping of rows. These technologies reduce human error and are the key to effective site management:  Assisted steering systems show drivers the way to follow in the field with the help of satellite navigation systems such as GPS. This allows more accurate driving but the farmer still needs to steer the wheel.  Automated steering systems, take full control of the steering wheel allowing the driver to take the hands off the wheel during trips down the row and the ability to keep an eye on the planter, sprayer or other equipment.