Agri Kultuur December / Desember 2018 | Page 19

Agri Western Cape relieved that water restrictions have been lifted Jeanne Boshoff A gri Western Cape is relieved that agriculture’s water restrictions have been lifted to 10%. This will help the sector a great deal with recovering from damages caused by the severe water shortages of the past months. If the restrictions remained at 60%, crops would not have been able to recover. Agri Western Cape is also grateful for the good relationship that was established between the City of Cape Town and the agriculture AgriKultuur |AgriCulture sector of the Western Cape over the past months. Both the COCT and the agriculture sector are severely affected by the drought and constructive relationships are crucial to manage the challenges to the benefit of both the agriculture sector and residents of the metropole. Agri Western Cape wants to thank Minister Nkwinti for understanding that water is critical for a sustainable agricultural sector and food security. 19