Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 99

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs An unguarded speech reveals the truth. An unhappy mans Cairt is eith to tumble. An uninvited guest is worse than the Mongol invasion. An unjust king is like a river without water. An unkept promise leads to a bad life. An unlucky girl may make a good woman. An unlucky man falls on straw, but splits his nose from a hidden stone. An unmarried woman is not honored, even if she has ten brothers. An unpleasant guest is as welcome as salt to a sore eye. An unrequested excuse is a self accusation. An unshod mocks a shoe. An unsolicited guest is better than a solicited one. An unsolicited guest is worse than a Tatar. An unwanted helper gets droppings as payment. An upstanding peasant is bigger than a nobleman on his knees. An upstart is a sparrow eager to marry a hornbill. Ancient house, by what a different master are you presided over. And a pennyworth o’ herring. And he repents in thorns that sleeps in beds of roses. And modesty, who, when she goes, is gone for ever. And Nathan said unto David: “Thou art the man.” And old hound bytes fair. And old rat is a brave rat. And slip na certainty for howp. And when we love our sin then we are damned indeed. And with what measure you meet, it shall be measured to you again. Ane beats the bush, and anither grips the bird. Ane begger is wae, another by the gate gae. Ane ill word begets another, and it were at at the bridge at London. Ane is no sae soon heai’d as hurt. Ane mans meat is another mans poyson. 98 Ane may bind a sack before it be fou’. Ane may lead a horse to the water, but four and twenty cannot gar him drink. Ane never tines by doing good. Ane swallow makes no summer. Ane will gar a thousand lie. Ane year a Nurish, seven years a Daw. Ane’s ain hearth is goud’s worth. Anes pay it never crave it. Anes wood, never wise, ay the worse. Angels bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge. Anger against a brother is felt in the flesh, not in the bone. Anger and hate hinder good counsel. Anger begins with folly, and ends with repentance. Anger brings loss. Anger can be an expensive luxury. Anger can’t stand, without a strong hand. Anger dies quickly in a good man. Anger dies quickly with a good man. Anger edges valor. Anger ends in cruelty. Anger excites. Anger has no eyes. Anger hears no counsel. Anger improves nothing but the arch of a cat's back Anger in a house is like a worm in a plant. Anger increases love. Anger is a bad adviser. Anger is a bad counsellor. Anger is a short madness. Anger is a stone cast into a wasp’s nest. Anger is a transient madness. Anger is always more harmful than the insult that caused it. Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp’s nest. Anger is like a thorn in the heart. Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it. Anger is shortlived in a good man. Anger is the mother of treachery. Anger is the only thing to put off until tomorrow.