Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 96

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs An inch too short is as bad as a yard. An indispensable thing never has much value. An indulgent mother makes a sluttish daughter. An industrious life is the best security for food in old age. An infertile woman gets a lot of visitors. An infidel who does you good turn is not like a Muslim who does not. An inflated idea can burst the bubble of your happiness. An innocent heart suspects no guile. An inquisitive man is always ill-natured. An insolent lord is not a gentleman. An insolent tongue is a bad weapon. An insult is but a short garment: it reveals the one who wears it. An intelligent enemy is worth more than a stupid friend. An intelligent enemy rather than a foolish friend. An intelligent monkey can still be beaten. An invasion of an army can be resisted but an invasion of ideas can’t be resisted. An Irishman is never at his best except when fighting. An iron peace is better than a golden war. An iron ring made of wood. An iron rod bends while it is hot. An iron rod can be ground down to become a needle. An Italian only feels safe with his hook in his belt. An ivory tooth is not cure for the lost tooth. An oak is not felled at one blow. An oak is not felled at one stroke. An oath broken by one does not thereafter bind the other. An object of pity even to a foe. An obscure style is a blind mirror. An obstinete child does not suffer save on the day of festival. An occasion lost cannot be redeemed. An offer of friendship to a friend’s foe is unbecoming an honorable man. An oil lamp feels proud to give light even 95 though it wears itself away. An old ape hath an old eye. An old ape never made a pretty grimace. An old bachelor compares life with a shirt button that hangs often by a thread. An old banana leaf was once young and green. An old bird is not to be caught with chaff. An old broom knows the corners of the house. An old broom knows the dirty corners best. An old business doesn’t need advertising. An old cart well used may outlast a new one abused. An old cat likes young mice. An old cat will never learn to dance. An old cat will not learn how to dance. An old coachman loves the crack of the whip. An old debt is better than an old grudge. An old disease can’t be cured. An old dog barks not in vain. An old dog can’t get used to chains. An old dog does not bark for nothing. An old dog does not grow used to the collar. An old dog will learn no tricks. An old enemy never becomes a friend. An old ensign is a captain’s honour. An old error has more friends than a new truth. An old error is always more popular than a new truth. An old ewe dressed lamb-fashion. An old flag is an honour to its captain. An old fool is worse than a young simpleton. An old fox does not run twice into the snare. An old fox is not caught in a snare. An old fox is not easily snared. An old fox is not to be caught in a trap. An old fox needs learn no craft. An old fox understands the trap. An old friend is better than two new ones. An old friend is like a saddled horse.