Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 83

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Advice should precede the act. Advice to a fool goes in one ear and out the other. Advice to all, security for none. Advice when most needed is least heeded. Advice, like water, takes the form of the vessel which it is poured into. Advice, when most needed, is least heeded. Advise and counsel him; if he does not listen, let adversity teach him. Advise no one to go to war or to marry. Advisers are not givers. Advisers are not the payers. Advisers get away with it. They never have to pay the penalty for their advice. Advising is easier than helping. Advising is often better than fighting. Ae good turn deserves anither. Ae gude friend is worth mony relations. Ae man may steal a horse where another daurna look ower the hedge. Ae scabbed sheep will smit the hale hirdsel. Ae swallow makes nae simmer. Afar, it enraptures the heart, when near, it rends the gallbladder. Affairs of the home should not be discussed in the public square. Affairs sleep soundly when fortune is present. Affectation is a greater injury to the face than small-pox. Affinity is a mysterious thing, but it is spicy. Afflictions are the good mans treasure - but he’d rather buy it than bear it. Afraid of his own shadow. Afraid of one’s shadow. Afraid of the enemies – don’t be a border guard. Africa is a cold land where the sun is warm. Aft counting keeps friends lang thegither. Aft times the cautioner pays the debt. After a battle, everyone is a general. After a feast a man scratches his head. After a foolish deed comes remorse. After a great getter comes a great spender. After a landslide one more can be expected. 82 After a rich man gets rich, his next ambition is to get richer. After a storm comes a calm. After a storm comes fair weather, after sorrow comes joy. After a storm fair weather, after sorrow joy. After a thrifty father, a prodigal son. After a trial one party is naked and the other without a shirt. After a typhoon there are pears to gather up. After all I have no nationality and am not anxious to claim any. Individuality is more than nationality. After all is said and done, more is said than done. After all, every man is the son of a woman. After all, harming others means you first harm yourself. After bad luck comes good fortune. After bad weather comes fine weather. After black clouds, clear weather. After breaking my head you bring plaister. After Christmas comes Lent. After clouds comes clear weather. After clouds sunshine. After dark all cats are leopards. After darkness comes light. After death the doctor. After death, say holy. After dinner a Kuru kills a man or kidnaps a woman. After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile. After dinner rest awhile, after supper After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. After dinner stand a while, or walk nearly half a mile. After dinner, mustard. After dinner, rest; after supper walk a mile. After distress, solace. After Easter, there are no more prayers and no more lettuce. After eating nine hundred rats, the cat is now going on a pilgrimage.