Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 774

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs "That smells bad," said the cat about meat that it cannot reach. "They say so," is half a lie. "They say" is a fool. "They say" is often a great liar. "We have rowed well," said the flea as the fishing boat arrives at its mooring. "What is marriage, mother?" "Child, it is spinning, having children, making mon- ey, and weeping. "What's all the fuss?" said the crane after the eel had slipped away. "I never liked fish anyway." "With all my heart!" says the boor, when he must. "With great pleasure," says the boor, when he must. "Yes" and "no" govern the world. "Your feet are crooked, your hair is good for nothing," said the pig to the horse. "Your words are fair," said the wolf, "but I will not come into the village." ‘Almost’ does not push a man off his horse. ‘Every man to his fancy, and me to my own fancy,’ said the old woman when she kissed her cow. ‘Every man to his taste,’ as the man sayed when he kiss’d his cou. ‘I nearly killed the bird,’ no one can eat ‘nearly’ in a stew. ‘My mother is indeed the best baby carrier,’ says the baby. “Amen,” said the minister, he hit the old lady in the head with the New Testament. “If you do good, good will be done to you.” “Sit I am coming,” is not speaking. (You should not be deceptive when making arrangements with others.) 1 day 1 yard. Bagan won't move. 13 festivals in 12 months. 773