Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 749

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Ye'll beguile nane but them that lippens to you. Ye'll drink before me. Ye'll find him where you left him. Ye'll get the cat wi' the twa tails. Ye'll mend when ye grow better. Ye'll ne'er cast saut on his tail. Ye'll neither dance or haud the candle. Ye'll neither dee for your wit nor be drowned for a warlock. Ye'll never be sae auld with sae mickle honesty. Ye'll no herry yoursel with your ain hands. Ye'll no sell your hen in a rainy day. Yellow gold is plentiful compared to white- haired friends. Ye're a foot behint the foremost. Ye're a sweet nut if you were well cracked. Ye're best when ye're sleeping. Ye're black aboot the mou' for want o' kissing. Ye're busy seeking the thing that's no tint. Ye're fear'd for the day ye never saw. Ye're good enough but ye're no braw enough. Ye're like a bad liver--the last day there's aye maist to do wi' ye. Ye're like the hens ye rin aye to the heap. Ye're like the miller's dog--ye lick your lips ere the pock be opened. Ye're nae chicken for a' your cheeping. Ye're never pleas'd fu' nor fasting. Ye're no fed on deaf nuts. Ye're no light where lean a'. Ye're of sae mony minds ye'll never be married. Ye're sair fash'd hadding naething together. Ye're unco good and ye'll grow fair. Ye're very foresighted, like Forsyth's cat. Yes and no rule the world. Yes, old: But never sexually cold. Ye'se get your brose out of the lee side of the pot. Yesterday a cowherd, to-day a cavalier. Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly. Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a 748 vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. Yesterday will not be called again. Yesterday, today and tomorrow -- these are the three days of man. Yesterday's drunkenness will not quench today's thirst. Yesterday's flowers are today's dreams. Yield to divine power. Yielding is sometimes the best way of succeeding. Yielding stays war. Yorkshire born and Yorkshire bred, strong in the arm and weak in the head. You a lady, I a lady, who is to put the sow out of doors? You already possess everything necessary to become great. You always fall down in the direction of where you bend over. You always knock yourself on the tenderest places. You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win. You always lose. You always pick the fruits of what you plant. You always win by not saying the things you don't have to say. You anoint the dead man with salve. You are a chief because of your people. You are a human, don’t lead a life of a dog. You are a new nigger. You are a sweet skin buckey. You are a white mout fowl.