Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 747

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Would I know where I'd fall, I'd lay some straw there ahead of time. Would rather be a chicken's head than a phoenix's tail. Would rather be betrayed by others than betraying them. Would you be strong, conquer yourself. Would you have me serve you, good king, give me the means of living. Would you have potatoes grow by the pot- side? Would you know your daughter? See her in company. Would you live long, be healthy and fat, drink like a dog and eat like a cat. Would you persuade, speak of interest, not of reason. Would you shear a donkey for wool. Would you take water to the frog? Wounded to death by the words of an evil woman. Wounds from the knife are healed, but not those from the tongue. Wounds heal, but not ill words. Wounds pain most when grown cool. Wrang count is nae payment. Wrang has nae warrant. Wrang hearing makes wrang rehearsing. Wrang hes no warrand. Wrap yourself together in a carpet and roll together with your kinsmen. Wrapped within rags might be gold. Wrath begins in madness and ends in repentance. Wrath often consumes what goodness husbands. Wriggling hands like young bride's legs. Wrinkled purses make wrinkled faces. Wrinkles are the gravestones of love. Wrinkles only shows where smiles have been. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at the present. Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble. Write injuries in the sand, but kindnesses in marble. Write on one of the devil's horns, "Good 746 angel," and many will believe it. Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble. Write with the learned, but speak with the vulgar. Writers and translators mistakes are published. Writing is the mother of eloquence and the father of artists. Wrong cannot rest, nor ill deed stand. Wrong count is no payment. Wrong laws make short governance. Wrongdoers and assenting parties are equally punishable. Wrongful acquisitions don't last long. Wrongful gains are quickly consumed. Wuh ever in de 'ole cow in de kiddle.