Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 745

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Wonders will never cease. Wont beguil'd the Lady. Woo sellers ken aye woo-buyers. Woo the widow whilst she is in weeds. Wood already touched by fire is not hard to set alight. Wood can only be split with a wedge that is cut from its own tree. Wood in wildernesse, & strength in a fool. Wood may remain ten years in the water, but it will never become a crocodile. Wooden casks make good wine. Woods have ears and fields have eyes. Woods have ears, fields have eyes. Wool is the gold of the Faroes. Word by word the big books are made. Word is not a sparrow: flies out, can't catch it. Words alone wont break bones. Words and deeds are not weighed in the same balance. Words and feathers are carried away by the wind. Words and feathers the wind carries away. Words are but dwarfs, examples are giants. Words are but sands; 'tis money buys lands. Words are but wind, but blows unkind. Words are but wind. Words are but winde, but dunts are the Devill. Words are dwarfs, but examples are giants. Words are dwarfs, deeds are giants. Words are female, deeds are male. Words are feminine, deeds masculine. Words are for reasoning. Words are for women, actions for men. Words are good, but fowls lay eggs. Words are good, when works follow. Words are like arrows throw them only when you know where they will fall. Words are like bees, they have honey and a sting. Words are like bullets; if they escape, you can't catch them again. Words are like eggs: when they are hatched they have wings. Words are like spears: Once they leave your 744 lips they can never come back. Words are like the spider's web: a shelter for the clever ones and a trap for the not-so- clever. Words are mere bubbles of water, but deeds are drops of gold. Words are sounds of the heart. Words are sweet but they can never replace food. Words are sweet, but they never take the place of food. Words are the leaves of the tree of language, of which, if some fall away, a new succession takes their place. Words are wind, but blows are unkind. Words butter not parsnips. Words cut more than swords. Words die and men keep on living. Words do not fill your purse. Words don't will the sack. Words fly, writings remain. Words from the heart reach the heart, words from the mouth reach the ear. Words go further than bullets. Words have no bones, but can break bones. Words have no wings but they can fly many thousands of miles. Words in conversation are like beans, one breaks them off where they are ripe. Words in mouth, no load upon head. Words may either conceal character or reveal it. Words must be weighed, not counted. Words of insults are futile, the more they fit, the more they are lost. Words of old people become sweet after a long time. Words of snow, which fell last year. Words of the mouth are like a stone in a sling. Words of wisdom comes out of simple people mouths. Words often do more than blows. Words once spoken cannot be wiped out with a sponge.