Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 743

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Without the companionship even paradise would be boring. Without the forest, there will be no more water, without water, there will be no more rice. Without the shepherd, sheep are not a flock. Without war there can be no peace. Without wind, the ears of the grass do not move. Without wine, even beautiful cherry blossoms have small attraction. Without women there is no day and no night. Without work there is no dinner. Without work there won't be any bread in your mouth. Wit's never bought till it's paid for. Witticisms spare no one. Wives from the mountains and husbands from the cities. Wives must be had, be they good or bad. Wives serve, brothers inherit. Woe be to an evil eye. Woe be to him whose advocate becomes his accuser. Woe is he who claims to have found happiness. Woe is he whose meal is in the river. Woe to being a housewife/househusband, you buy one thing, you don't have two others. Woe to him that is alone. Woe to him who sits upon a branch. Woe to Leili's doogh, the yogurt was too little and the water too much. Woe to the high spirited bride whose mother-in-law is still alive. Woe to the house where the hen crows and the rooster is still. Woe to the house where the weasel is in the eggs and the dog sleeps soundly. Woe to the house where there is no chiding. Woe to the man that entrusts his secrets to a ditch. Woe to the mule that sees not her master. Woe to thee, o land, when thy King is a child. 742 Woe unto the patient whose doctors argue. Woeful is the household that wants a woman. Wolf doesn't eat wolf. Wolf in sheep's clothing. Wolves are often hidden under sheep's clothing. Wolves do not eat each other. Wolves don't eat wolves. Wolves have howled at the moon for centuries, yet it is still there. Wolves never gossip about each other. Woman is like your shadow; follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows. Woman was born three days earlier than the devil. Woman without man is like a field without seed. Woman, impromptu; man, on reflection. Woman, wind, and luck soon change. Woman's beauty, the forest echo, and rainbows, soon pass away. Women always speak the truth, but not the whole truth. Women always tend to the bad. Women and bairns keep counsell of that they ken not. Women and calendars are good only for a year. Women and cats in the house, men and dogs in the street. Women and children first Women and cloth should not be bought in the evening. Women and dogs set men together by their ears. Women and donkeys need the stick. Women and fishes are best in the middle. Women and fools never forgive. Women and glass are always in danger. Women and glasses are always in danger. Women and hens are lost by too much gadding. Women and maidens must be praised, whether truly or falsely.