Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 740

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs With a bottle and a girl one does not count the hours. With a child in the house, all corners all full. With a clear Sirocco and a dark North Wind, go to sea without concern. With a French sweep. With a friend behind you, you have a safe bridge. With a friendly word you get farther than with a club. With a frog in the well you don't talk about the ocean. With a full belly it is easy to talk about fasting. With a good farm, garden and vineyard, all your problems will be cured. With a good name one may easily sin. With a good son-in-law you gain a son, with a bad one you lose your daughter, too. With a king it is the same as with fire - stay neither close by, nor too far away. With a little seed of imagination you can grow a field of hope. With a little wrong a man comes by his right. With a mule you have a son, with a son-in- law you only have a mule. With a piece of bread in your hand you'll find paradise under a pine tree. With a resolute heart, a mouse can lift an elephant. Spreading the news is also multiplying it. With a staircase before you, you look for a rope to go down by. With a stout heart, a mouse can lift an elephant. With a sweet tongue and kindness, you can drag an elephant by a hair. With a walking-stick you reach many lands; you reach many more with words. With age comes wisdom. With all things and in all things, we are rela- tives. With an old husband's hide one buys a young one. With art and knavery we live through half the year; with knavery and art we live 739 through the other. With bread and wine you can walk your road. With carefulness you realize your opportunity. With customs we live well, but laws undo us. With death you don't lose hope: damnation is called separation. With empty hand no man should hawks allure. With enough "ifs" we could put Paris into a bottle. With everything Messina has the port, but for beautiful Palermo it is always just an orchard. With fortune on your side you can sow salt and harvest grass. With fowls, the pedigree; with men, breeding. With friends make agreements, with relatives make contracts. With God all things are possible. With gold I can buy things; with thinking I can understand things. With gold in your pocket you are wise, you are handsome, and you dance well too. With gold you can make a road to heaven but it will end in hell. With great learning, a horse, and money, you may travel the world. With great men one must allow five to be an even number. With happiness comes intelligence to the heart. With hard work, you can get fire out of a stone. With his ears let him listen, and look with his eyes; thus each wise man spies out the way. With his own weapon do I stab him. With honour and store, what would you more. With houses and gold, men are rarely bold. With iron you hurt, with iron you’ll get hurt.