Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 724

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Who does not beat his own child will later beat his own breast. Who does not bother will not have sons and daughters. Who does not choose dies of hunger. Who does not eat till he is full, won't lick himself satisfied. Who does not go with you, go with him. Who does not jump into water will not learn to swim. Who does not love to dance, does not love to sing. Who does not notice you in rags will not notice you in nice clothes, who notices you in rags will also motice you in nice clothes. Who does not obey forbidding will regret afterwards. Who does not obey the parents' word will be taught by the world. Who does not punish evil, invites it. Who does not share what he is given will not share what he has in his barn. Who does not thank for a little will not thank for a lot. Who does not understand a look, cannot understand long explanations. Who does not venture gets neither horse nor mule, and who ventures too much lose horse and mule. Who does not want to work in the heat, will have to starve in the cold. Who does not want to work, need not to eat. Who does not wish to be like the wolf let him not wear its skin. Who does not work will not get food. Who does nothing can do nothing wrong. Who does too much, often does little. Who does well, meets goodwill. Who doesn't approach with disbelief, won't see the face of paradise. Who doesn't collect kopecks will not get a ruble. Who doesn't intend to pay, signs any contract. Who doesn't keep faith with God won't keep it with men. 723 Who doesn't listen to reason, can't do things with reason. Who doesn't make a knot at the end of the thread, loses the stitch more than once. Who doesn't want a fire, should remove the wood. Who doesn't want one will not get two. Who doesn't want to stay with friends, is either a cop, a cuckold, or a spy. Who doesn't want to when he can, can't when he wants to. Who don't keep faith with God won't keep it with man. Who doubts errs not. Who draws his sword against his prince must throw away his scabbard. Who dresses in the clothing of others, will soon undress. Who drinks at night, buys himself death, who drinks in bed, buys himself a coffin. Who drinks till bottom, lives without mind. Who drives donkeys and believes women, will never see the face of paradise. Who eats a lot will do a lot. Who eats a lot will make a mountain. Who eats bread with barley porridge will be sent to Siberia. Who eats capon, capon comes to him. Who eats his cock alone must saddle his horse alone. Who eats it won't know the bitterness of the onion, but who chops it does. Who eats like a wolf will work like a bear. Who eats lying on his side will commit ten sins, who eats lying on his back will commit seven sins. Who eats too much, will then be sick. Who eats will be strong. Who eats without drinking, will never feel full. Who else will lift a dogs tail if not itself. Who enters the Turkish bath will sweat. Who errs in the tens errs in the thousands.