Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 720

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Where you have an enemy, you will also surely arid a friend. Where you killed from is not where you eat from. Where you lose nothing, you always win something. Where you lost your cloak, seek it. Where you saw wood, there the sawdust will fall. Where you see the tail, there is the mouse. Where you smart there I will hit you. Where you tell your secret you surrender your freedom. Where you think there is bacon, there are not even hooks for it. Where you were a page, be not an esquire. Where you were born is less important than how you live. Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth. Where you won't feast from, you sense it sooner than later. Where your mother is born, you can't call anyone a child. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Where your will is ready, your feet are light. Where you're not known, you're judged by your appearance. Where you've ever left without a quarrel is where you're about to return. Whereas a liar takes one thousand years to go on a journey, the one who speaks the truth follows and overtakes the liar in a day. Where'er an ass is crown'd to fame, both town and country bear the shame. Wherein have I erred? What have I done? Where's no top dogs, underdogs will be seen as one. Where's there's muck, there's money. Wherever a man dwells, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush near his door. Wherever man goes to dwell his character goes with him. Wherever something stands, another thing stands beside it. 719 Wherever the head goes, the tail will follow. Wherever the ram goes the sheep will follow. Wherever there are bones, there are dogs. Wherever there are women there's talking, and wherever there's geese there's cackling. Wherever there is a pretty spot, the devil plants a monastery or a lord. Wherever there is mischief, there is sure to be a priest and a woman in it. Wherever we live, we must observe the local custom. Wherever you are, do as you see done. Wherever you find sugar, you'll find ants. Wherever you go, an okka is four hundred dirhem. Wherever you go, habit follows. Wherever you go, the sky is the same color. Wherever you go, you can't get rid of your- self. Wherever you may be, do as you see done. Wherewith you coincide, such you yourself will become. Wherries must not put out to sea. Whether an owl with a stump, or a stump with an owl. Whether bad or good, Christ doesn't say why it happens. Whether he will or no. Whether it be so or not, husband, put on your hood. Whether it rains or stops raining, the lentils have two eyes. Whether it was the tenant who seduced the landlord's wife, or the landlord who seduced the tenant's wife, it is the tenant who would leave the house. Whether May is warm or not, don't take off your coat.