Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 717

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Where the heart is willing it will find a thou- sand ways, but where it is unwilling it will find a thousand excuses. Where the heart loves, there the legs walk. Where the heart sleeps is where you're bound to go at dawn. Where the heart would go, there follows the foot. Where the hedge is low every one will cross it. Where the hedge is lowest every one goes over. Where the hedge is lowest men jump over. Where the hedge is lowest, men may soonest over. Where the hedge is lowest, the devil leaps over. Where the hen goes, the chicks follow. Where the honey, there the bees. Where the hostess is beautiful the wine is tasty. Where the hostess is handsome the wine is good. Where the law is uncertain there is no law. Where the lion's skin falls short, borrow of the fox. Where the love is, thither turns the eye. Where the needle goes, the thread follows. Where the needle has passed, the thread will pass in the same way. (That which the parents do, the children will also do the same.) Where the Pope is there, is Rome. Where the pupil is willing; the teachers will appear. Where the rain falls there is no hunger. Where the river is deepest it makes the least noise. Where the river makes a sound, you can be sure it's carrying water. Where the rooster crows there is a village. Where the sea goes let the sands go. Where the ship goes the brig can go. Where the skin of the lion does not suffice, we must join that of the fox. Where the stream is shallowest, greatest is its noise. 716 Where the sun enters, the doctor does not. Where the sun shines, there is also shade. Where the thread is weakest it breaks. Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth. Where the wasp has passed the fly sticks fast. Where the wolf gets one lamb he looks for another. Where the woman goes the devil follows. Where the woman wears the breeches, she has a good right to them. Where the young know, is where they believe it's raining. Where there are birds, there is water. Where there are experts there will be no lack of learners. Where there are many fowls, millet is not scattered. Where there are many masters the servant becomes mad. Where there are many midviwes, children will be feeble. Where there are many people, there God is. Where there are many there is much. Where there are many, nothing goes wrong. Where there are monks and priests, there is adultery and beatings. Where there are no dogs the fox is a king. Where there are no dogs the wolves will howl. Where there are no fools, there would be no wise men. Where there are no hounds the fox is king. Where there are no laws, they can't be broken. Where there are no sheep, they call the goat princess. Where there are no swamps there are no frogs. Where there are no tigers, a wild cat is very self-important. Where there are old people, nothing goes wrong. Where there are plenty of trees there are no builders.