Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 715

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Where all limp, everybody thinks he walks straight. Where ambition begins happiness ends. Where are breads in the desert? Where art is displayed truth does not appear. Where bees are, there is honey. Where blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow. Where coin is not common, provisions can be scant. Where comes a cow the wiseman lay down, there follows a woman, and where comes a woman follows trouble. Where comes a great man he doesn't come alone. Where conceit and ignorance sit, grass will not grow again. Where curiosity is not the purveyor, detraction will soon be starved. Where devil cannot go, he will send a woman. Where distrust enters, love is no more than a boy. Where drums beat, laws are dumb. Where ever you go, come back to your home. Where every hand fleeceth, the sheep goes naked. Where every man is master the world goes to wreck. Where every one goes, the grass never grows. Where flies are eaten, eat them. Where force prevails, right perishes. Where force rules, justice does not exist. Where freedom is, there shall my country be. Where friars abound keep your eyes open. Where friends, there riches. Where ghosts walk, there is loving or thieving. Where God bestows an office, he provides brains to fill it. Where God boils his yam that is exactly where the devil roasts his fish. Where God builds a church, the devil builds 714 a chapel. Where God cooks, there is no smoke. Where God gives hard bread He also gives sharp teeth. Where God has his church the Devil will have his chapel. Where God has sown it shall flourish. Where God sends babbies he sends penny loaves. Where gold avails, argument fails. Where gold chinks, arguments are of no avail. Where gold speaks every tongue is silent. Where honour ceaseth, there knowledge decreaseth. Where honour grows a span, folly grows an ell. Where I make my living, there is my home. Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise. Where is by now the snow of last year. Where is there a tree not shaken by the wind? Where is well with me, there is my country. Where it is customary the cow is brought to bed. Where it slopes down is where it slopes up. Where law ends, tyranny begins. Where law lacks, honour should eke it out Where life is exhausted, death comes. Where love is there the eye is. Where love sets the table food tastes at its best. Where luck is wanting, diligence is useless. Where MacGregor sits at the head of the table. Where malice has taken root, friendship can never be formed. Where man is not, nature is barren. Where many are gathered, there is much to be said. Where many people urinate, it becomes wet. (when many people discuss the problem, the solution is found) Where many roosters are crowing, it's not because it's daylight. Where might is right, right is not might.