Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 713

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs When you stand with the blessings of your mother and God, it matters not who stands against you. When you sweep the house, you find everything. When you sweep the stairs, you start at the top. When you take a knife away from a child, give him a piece of wood instead. When you talk about future happenings the devil starts to laugh. When you talk about the sun, you will see her beams. When you tell the truth, have one foot in the stirrup. When you think of a rhinoceros, climb a tree. When you think you have the wind at your back, that's when you'll be disappointed. When you throw dirt, you lose ground. When you treat someone like a wild cat, he will steal your chickens. When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float. When you try to walk the straight and narrow you get pebbles in your shoes. When you uproot vines as you plant vines, you'll never harvest the grapes. When you wait for tomorrow it never comes. When you don't wait for it tomorrow still comes. When you wake up in the morning you see the other person's butt. When you want to serve your friend, you can't worry about your belongings. When you want to test the depths of a stream, don't use both feet. When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. When you will, they wont, when you wont, 712 they will. When you work with anxiety during the day, you'll sit up at night with your thoughts. When young, it's all dreams; when old, all memories. When your beard appears, childhood disappears. When your companion is being shaved, put water. When your companions get drunk and fight, take up your hat, and wish them good night. When your devil was born, mine was going to school. When your enemies attack, bathe in their blood. When your enemy falls, don't rejoice -- but don't pick him up either. When your finger is in pain, your sight is not lazy. When your fortune improves, the columns of your house appear to be crooked. When your friend gives your wife an expensive present, it's time to get suspicious. When your hand is in the dog's mouth, withdraw it gently. When your horse in on the brink of a precipice, it is too late to pull the reins. When your house is on fire you don't choose who to help you put out the fire. When your leg is sinking your whole body should fill it. When your luck deserts you, even cold food burns. When your neighbor burns down, your hurt is near. When your neighbor shaves, you start to wet your cheeks. When your neighbor walks through your orchard, the polite thing to do is to ignore it. When your neighbor's horse falls into a pit, you should not rejoice at it, for your own child may fall into it too.